Market Research & Insights Suppliers

Welcome to the MR Directory! In this database you can find market research and insights suppliers from Germany, Europe and all over the world with just a few clicks.

Field service providers such as research facilities, online panels, omnibus surveys, CATI, CAWI or face-to-face suppliers are sorted by country and method.

ResearchTech suppliers and IT service providers are structured according to their offering in terms of data collection, data analysis, data visualisation and IT services.

Thanks to these categories, you can search and find your suitable market research and insights suppliers worldwide with just a few clicks. Free of charge, structured and unique.

In addition, the MR Directory lists the largest German full service agencies that are still owner-managed. The glossary contains simple explanations of the most important market research terms from this database and the textbooks.

Research Facilities
Online Panels
Omnibus Surveys
CATI / CAWI / f2f
ResearchTech & IT Services
German Full Service Agencies